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Rule 72 Initiative is about Individual Freedoms Getting Involved Summoning a change

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Welcome to Rule 72 Initiative,

This initiative examines the concept and means of dispersing headquarters of various United States governmental agencies and departments from Washington D.C. to an assortment of cities around the country.
The purpose of the relocation is to increase our government efficiency and efficacy while decreasing expenses. Achieved through use of current and future communication technology and by bringing our federal government closer to the non-governmental general populace.
Moving Departments and Agencies creates jobs, redevelops communities, increases national security and expands communication with constituencies, through improving functionality and proximity to the whole of the nation.

We the people...

The United States of America, as a Constitutional Republic, has survived for over 200 years, guided by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. In order to survive another 200 hundred years, the resolve of the country needs to be strengthened by becoming a beacon of light to the rest of the world, proving that preserving individual rights of success and failure is the most successful and humanistic form of functional governing known to women and men. This means periodically altering the Form of Government is key to adapting with the evolution of our Nation.

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Rights of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation so such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall most likely to effect the Safety and Happiness.” Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

It is imperative that we strengthen our understanding that the Governments instituted among our citizens, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, bring the government, of the people by the people, to the people. Originally, this was undoubtedly attained when there were only 13 States, when people and administrators mixed easily, due to close proximity.
Historically, the societies that have failed to periodically reconfigure to preserve individual rights and adapt to social evolution, were ultimately forced to through violence and social upheaval, for example Cuba, Venezuela, U.S.S.R. to the ancient Romans. These societies embraced a highly centralized form of government and lost the value of individualism resulting in dictatorships governed through fear and brutality. These societies lost their identity and unifying sinew destroyed by Marxist and Socialist philosophies. Every effort should be made to preserve our capitalistic Republic and evolve with the times.

A simple yet powerful solution

We, Americans, have the Constitution and Bill of Rights to guide us. Constitutional laws are not set in granite, when found they don’t match up with the Constitutional guiding light due to evolutionary growth, the laws must change. Our Nation is one of evolutionary inclusion of and for all citizens.
It is now time to change one of those laws…
The repeal of Rule 72 will allow a significant evolution of our governing body and help move our great Nation into the twenty first century with an eye to standing as the longest surviving peaceful form of government into the foreseeable future. The Nation’s security will also be enhanced.
The solution is to move various Government Departments and Agencies Headquarters out of Washington DC. These agencies will be relocated and housed in different cities throughout the nation. This proposed massive relocation would render “null and void” the homogeneous think-tank effects of the Washington D. C. environment on the governmental employees.
This treatise offers a path of evolution that preserves the principles initiated, codified, and expressed in the United States Constitution. Since our country’s founding, in 1776, the nation has grown and evolved both geographically and demographically. The center of government has become more concentrated, while simultaneously divorced from the geographic and demographic expansion since settlement began.
It is time to reconfigure our Nation’s Government to reflect the changes that have taken place since its inception. We need to bring our Federal agencies and departments into the twenty first century with an eye to the twenty fifth century and thus enhance National Security, promote Prosperity, and Domestic Liberty.

Too often problem issues are highlighted in a public forum, promising a better economy, better education, a stronger defense, and a safer Nation without a suggested means. The concept being proposed is intended to change and improve how the Government performs and delivers all its functions. This idea will:

Change Location

Move the lawmakers from the original mindset established from a 13 State Nation to focusing on a 50 State Nation. How? by changing the location, without changing the form or purpose of selected Departments and Agencies.

Make Connections

Connect government employees, both implementer and administrator, with the constituents they are providing governance and services to daily.

Great Exposure

Expose administrators and implementers to the people within the communities that they serve. This exposure would help implementers gain valuable insight from local citizens with no tie to federal government. 

Reduce the Noise

Reduce the authoritative power of lobbyists and sway of influence peddlers both foreign and domestic.

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Projected amount of cost savings, economic stimulation, budgetary benefits, and other economic effects.

Here is the initiative’s proposed new bill 

There were three Bills before the 115th Congress supporting the repeal of Title 4, Chapter 3 of Section 72 in United States Code

The recommended modification will not change what each Agency or Department of our Government is mandated or charted to do. That change is reserved for the Congress, Senate, and Executive Offices. The decentralization of the center of operations and offices is the only change that will be made. The rest will occur naturally.

Follow the current Drain the Swamp Act bill which was just submitted to congress

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