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Our Address
Rule 72 Initiative
5150 Broadway Street #510
San Antonio, TX 78209
Call: 727-401-4387
Email: jeff@rule72.us
#TuckerCarlson discussed possible repercussions from massive spending in DC. Speculated what may result but WHY wa… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1378424535381315586
@BexarGOP @WestJournalism Who posted this?
@BexarGOP Where are the position statements? Are there any issues or propositions that the bexargop is in favor of or against.
@GOPChairwoman @BexarGOP How did you manage to keep your position when encouraging an action that is clearly not Constitutional?
@chiproytx I will also join you.
@LisaMarieBoothe As of today .... It's a day to day experience.
Gosh #mariabartiromo #DonaldTrumpJr great show visit http://www.rule72initiative.us details on why, how, benefits of drai… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1317914311730384899
@ChrisMurphyCT The CDC should be ignored and the FDA HQ should be moved out of the DC area.
Well if you are looking for another reason to relocate Fed Gov Dept. HQs view the performance of the FDA and the CD… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1299769568315965440
@conservmillen There is no such thing.