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Upset the U.S. Government Ecosystem

Upset the U.S. Government Ecosystem
August 27, 2018 Rule72
The United States Capitol

A Centralized Power Structure

America has a long-held tradition of fighting against centralized power. Our forefathers fought against the British King and secured our Independence as a nation in 1776. When this country was formed our framers had no intention of duplicating the monarchical government they left behind.

To this day the United States is separated into local, municipal, and state governments. And the federal government has three branches. These segregated factions were specifically formed to provide checks and balances. They were also to make sure that centralized power would never take hold of this new land called America. Fast forward to today and I doubt our framers would be pleased to see the bureaucratic wasteland that has taken root in our nation’s Capital.

The Hill of Corruption

For years corrupt politicians have collaborated and created a framework of backroom deals and pay to play politics on what is now known as Capitol Hill. In 2006 the crooked lobbyist system was illuminated when Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to bilking his clients out of tens of millions of dollars. Known as one of the top dogs of lobbying, he was supposed to be soliciting politicians on behalf of Native Americans, but instead, he was climbing up the ladder of corruption and getting rich off the backs of hard working taxpayers.

Is it possible we could learn something from our nation’s political founders about the strategy of decentralization? Our nation has grown substantially over the years and it may be time to re-examine the current power structure that rules in our halls of government.

Come down from the Hill

The Rule 72 Initiative is a unique idea that would restructure the government through increased decentralization. Bringing specific agencies and governing authorities down from their high towers to where “We the People” reside, will foster unity and transparency, end bureaucracy, and disable corruption. Why is the Dept. of Agriculture headquartered in Washington DC? The great majority of farming in America takes place in the great plains of this nation. Doesn’t it make sense to bring those departments down to where the hub of our farmers reside?

The Rule 72 Initiative is about fostering good will towards Americans by working alongside them. No wonder they call it Capital Hill. They have deluded themselves into thinking that “they” (the politicians and bureaucrats) are up on a pedestal (hill). “We the People” are the underlings at their mercy down here in the trenches. They have got it backwards. That is not what our founders intended.

Upset the Balance

During his Presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to “drain the swamp”. Draining the swamp is no easy feat. Or is it? A swamp is a bacterial soup loaded with snakes, alligators, mosquito’s, and slime. It all works together to form a bustling ecosystem. Scientists will tell you that the most important mechanism for the survival of an ecosystem is that balance must be maintained. One small change, such as the removal of one species or the addition of another, could topple an ecosystem’s chances for survival. It is about time we upset the balance. We must bring down the unscrupulous factions of government that have gone unchecked for too long.

The Rule 72 Initiative is the catalyst we need to bring positive change to America. Separating the “powers that be” by relocating them to different areas of the country would be a good start in eliminating the current ecosystem of it’s parasitical factions. This initiative is bipartisan. Instead of dividing people into groups it brings Americans together. This is to take back the government from the unscrupulous factions that threaten our freedom and democracy. This is about streamlining government and disrupting the current strongholds of power and corruption.

Strengthen America and Preserve our Rights

Wouldn’t some of our rural areas across the country appreciate the jobs and revenues that bringing in those federal agencies would provide? Washington DC has some of the highest wages and property prices in the country. Why not bring some of those jobs to middle America and save tax dollars at the same time?

The Rule 72 Initiative is simply a great idea that brings people together to make positive changes in our federal government. The primary goal is to end corruption through legal means of action. Yes, President Trump said he would drain the swamp, but he is just one man. It is going to take a majority of Americans to clean up the slime that has infested the halls of government. While President Trump is busy draining the swamp we want to bring this idea to the American people. Let’s work together to preserve the individual rights that were endowed to us by our creator and affirmed by our founding fathers. The Constitution and Bill of Rights have brought us invaluable freedoms but it is time to evaluate their relevance to the social structure we have today. This will not weaken our individual rights, but it will strengthen them.

A Call to Action

This is not another political gimmick or a partisan outcry. There is real work to do to implement this plan and we need your help. Millennial’s are the future of this country and we are depending on you. These positive changes will happen only if we are all willing to get involved. Spread the word, Check out our web site, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about the benefits of Rule 72 Initiative.

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And, if you feel the effort is worth your investment, you can donate to the Rule 72 Initiative as well.

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