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Draining the Swamp to Spread It Out

Draining the Swamp to Spread It Out
May 28, 2018 Rule72

Draining the swamp is a concept that is being heard more and more. With so much corruption in Washington DC, it’s clear that something has to be done. There are too many Congressmen and politicians making money off of how they vote and how they form bills so that large businesses can benefit. There are also politicians in high-power positions making decisions that lead to big problems – such as uranium being sold to Russia.

With so much corruption and very little being done about it, it’s important to look at the process of draining the swamp. It might be difficult to drain the swamp entirely, so what might be best for America is if we can spread it out.

Moving DC Out of DC

There’s a proposed adjustment that has the potential to improve national economies as well as communities. There could be greater cohesiveness within the government and promote a higher level of financial strains than there is right now.

The adjustment would be to move all of the major government departments out of Washington DC. This would move each department closer to where they have the greatest impact. For example, the Department of Agriculture would move to Iowa so that it is closer to the farms while the Department of Education may move to Michigan in order to help with underprivileged children. The Department of Finance would move to New York to be closer to the Financial District.

Often, the corruption is found because it’s too easy for the departments to work with one another. One does for the other without there being any sufficient checks and balances. It’s why moving the departments out of DC could be the best way of draining the swamp and eliminating so much of the waste and corruption.

The Benefits

There are a lot of benefits that could stem from moving the swamp out of Washington DC. If the Department of Agriculture is closer to America’s farmland and the Department of Homeland Security is closer to the center of the country, imagine the benefits. Suddenly, those within the departments will understand the struggles of the people they are trying to help.

In addition to being able to see better results, there’s also the cost savings. By moving the swamp, the cost of the buildings would be lower. DC has one of the highest costs of living as a result of the expensive real estate as well as all other expenses.

The departments wouldn’t have to spend as much on their buildings. The tens of thousands of employees would also be paid less because of not having to deal with the inflation that is found in DC. With technology being what it is, it’s also possible for the employees to meet with other departments via Skype and other tools, so there is no need to pay the cost of travel.

By making this move, it’s possible to save the government billions of dollars every year. This means that draining the swamp could actually get us out of the deficit that we have been in (for years) once and for all.

Make Your Own Push

Moving the swamp has the potential to do amazing things for the government. It also has the ability to create an influx of jobs, boost the economy, and much more.

You can get involved by raising awareness within your own community. Speak out so that more people learn about the corruption as well as the benefit of moving the swamp out of Washington DC.

Discover more about Rule 72 Initiative and how you can take action to be part of the greater good for the country.

The Rule 72 Initiative is hard at work to repeal the law (Rule 72) that prohibits moving functions of the federal government away from Washington, D.C. If these ideas sound like a positive step towards truly draining the swamp, here are some ways to get involved:

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Contact your representatives and senators (please use phone calls, letters, or postcards; e-mails are generally ignored).

And, if you feel the effort is worth your investment, you can donate to the Rule 72 Initiative as well.

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